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Video Miniseries for Systematic Literature Review

The Miniseries provides a step-by-step overview of how to leverage for Systematic Literature Reviews. Embrace research excellence and leverage the latest AI technology to streamline your literature review experience.

RQM+ Efficiency Case Study
Case Study

How creates efficiencies in clinical evidence review process

Learn more about the benefits the RQM+ team has realized since switching to for clinical evidence review.

The bright side of EU MDR

The Bright Side of EU MDR

How forward-looking MedTech companies can leverage the legislation to drive innovation in the clinical evaluation, achieve faster approvals, and thereby increase their competitive advantage.

See in action

Want to see more? is the clinical evidence platform that reduces research and regulatory burdens so your documents get approved without debate. What to know more? Watch to see the benefits, workflow, and features of in action. through the lens of regulators
Case Study

What regulators are saying

Regulators and Notified Bodies are excited about and have found 60% efficiency in time needed to conduct a literature review for medical device compliance. Read more about what top Notified Bodies are saying about

What Can You Do With is an end-to-end solution that covers the entire evaluation process: literature search, screening, appraisal, and data extraction from full-text articles. Whether you’re a MedTech company or a regulatory body, can make your regulatory compliance workflow more efficient and robust.

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For MedTech Manufacturers...

Cut down on the time and effort it takes to create and submit compliant documentation to regulatory bodies, so you can get better healthcare products to market, faster. Leverage, the most comprehensive platform for MedTech featuring both smart authoring and clinical evidence review workflows.

For Regulatory Authorities & Notified Bodies…

Streamline your technical file and clinical reviews so you can save time and review submissions with confidence with's simple, intuitive, easy-to-use interface and human-in-the-loop AI guidance.

For Service Providers...

Streamline your document development and clinical evidence reviews with - the end-to-end platform for MedTech with the most comprehensive workflow covering smart authoring and systematic literature reviews. The combination of human-in-the-loop AI and ML augments and expands collective expertise without humans giving up control.

Who We’ve Helped


" helped us improve the review process while dramatically reducing the screening time and enhancing collaboration by using a centralized cloud system, overall a value-generating experience."

Mauricio Rodriguez

Managing Partner

ward 247

" is an excellent all-in-one platform. It was easy implement search strategy words and easy to see which articles were included and excluded. Data extraction to PRISMA diagrams is a brilliant solution, and the time spent on literature reviews was greatly reduced with"

Christian Meyhoff

Founder, Board Member 

ppl biomechanics

"We used the Platform to complete our MDR literature review in December 2021. The software was easy to use and resulted in a dramatic reduction in the time required to complete our literature search. The team were very professional, friendly and made themselves available for help and support."

Christine Kieman

Education Officer


"Our company recently discovered to test how it would fare for our niche medical device in preparation for the literature review for our clinical evaluation report. (...) the ability to verify and validate the data in half the time made the decision to purchase. The platform is easy to navigate and the support team is top-notch."

Cathleen Stone

Business Process Coordinator

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